Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Never Finish Anyth....

I sort of pride myself on the fact that I have an extraordinary ability to self analyze and correctly diagnose my internal crazy.  Amongst a long list of short comings, I have a serious problem with completing/committing to big "stuff".

Sometimes when I point this out Jared gives me a nervous look. I always comfort him by explaining that he need not worry, him and the kids are the one thing I am fiercely committed to, and besides if I was going to run away, I would have done it by now.

I often find myself taking on things like a new career or a new project at church. I am initially excited about the endeavor, but as soon as it becomes an obligation...I'm out.

I truly believe it stems from my fear of failure and the fear of losing control. I physically cannot breathe sometimes if I in any way feel like someone or something has any amount of control over what I do. And of course, being a first born, I have the incessant need for everyone's if I start something and fail, what will people think of me? Instead, I just quit. I quit whatever it is and come up with some sort of ingenious explanation of why it's better for the world if I quit. I think I do a pretty good job of convincing everyone to see it my way, see why the "new thing" I am doing is not working out, with no fault of my own, of course. In reality, I am probably only convincing myself.

There is a huge part of me that is just fine with this. I really don't have a big desire to be some amazing career woman or make a lot of money. I am happy to just be the lady who is there to get her kids on and off the bus, to volunteer at school, keep my house clean and have time to go out to lunch with my mom or my BFF.

But because I have multiple personality disorder (an exaggerated self diagnosis), once in a while it makes me feel like a loser. Like I should be doing something more with my life. Because everyone else seems to be. There should be the ONE thing I am really good at. I told Jami yesterday that it's a good thing she can sew, because that is an important skill. I however have no skills. Jill replied and said that I make everyone laugh. That was sweet, but its really not a skill. It's like all the times when I have made comments about having zero talent, and it never fails, someone always says "you are really good at talking"

Talking? Seriously. This is why I will never finish/ follow through with anything in my entire life, because it will inevitably require more than a conversation.


  1. Here are your skills:

    1. You are a Leader in your group. Leading in good directions. Inspiring people to want better things.

    2. Your are honest in your opinions when asked. In a world trashed with empty phrases and 'suck up' comments, this is a treasure indeed. It invokes trust.

    3. You are willing to take on large necessary tasks, Now you just need to balance that with the ability to direct helpers and allow the project to blossom into what it needs to be.

    4. You will cram all your housework into one day just to run errands with me. Why is this a skill..because it creates and strengthens bonds, it creates a life time of memories that will sustain us in the hard times. This is called unselfishness.

    5. You nurture without being a doormat. A skill I've never been able to conceive.

    6. You are able to truly love and be loyal. We cannot foresee the future, but having someone claw their way along side of you in what promises to be a terrifying journey is priceless. It could be someone's salvation.

    7. You are organized. A skill that those of us that are NOT are continually amazed by. Organization opens the door to completion.

    8. And yes, Talking is a skill. Being able to communicate needs and issues and directions. To be able to relate and command and to recite what needs to happen. Most people lack at this.

    So lets recap shall we,

    Your skills for Armageddon are the following:

    Willingness to forge ahead
    Seeing the big Picture and make adjustments
    Nurturing Strength
    Able to Love and be Loyal, never giving up

    While these skills may not make you a fortune in today's the future...

    They will enable us all to survive..


  2. mom, I love you and think you give me too much credit :)

  3. it used to be that my only talent was "you have a great smile".... :) that's why we are bff's

    and it's been years since anyone even said that, so....i guess i got nuthin. ;D

    but i love you and ditto to all that your mom just said!

  4. SEE Megy said I'm always

  5. What about your computer hacking skills or nunchuck skills? I think you've got mad skills and accomplish more than enough. You too Meg :)

  6. J - I totally forgot about my nunchuck skills!! Also, remember I know how to fight! I taught you once :)

    Meg, we make a great team, with my talking and your smile, who can compete?
