Wednesday, March 30, 2011

These Blueberries taste like CheeseFood

Today Jared posted this article about the "pretend blueberries" they put in blueberry food.

For some reason this really grossed me out. It's like when you see the ingredient cheese food or mechanically seperated chicken.

Since being married to Jared and becoming a part of the Richards/Nature's Pantry family my whole way of thinking about food and what we put in our bodies has completely changed.

At first I made so much fun of him. I told him it was all voodoo and he was welcome to go outside and eat some grass while I enjoyed a delicious "healthy" bagel. I was raised, like many of us, to believe that dinner meant meat, potatoes, bread and some sort of canned vegetable. Please dont get me wrong, my mother is a fabulous cook and if I was on death row, I would want her to make my last meal. But, the idea of what is good for us has progressed.

How many of us has bought a "whole grain" cereal with dried fruit (like blueberries) and felt really good about our "healthy" choice? Or maybe a blueberry muffin? With all the chemicals and artificial everything and all the sugar that they put in all of that crap you might as well be eating Cocoa Pebbles or Lucky Charms. Nutritionally, they aren't much different.

And I think that is what is  so wrong. We aren't educated on the reality of what we are eating. We think because it has "fruit" in it, or that it's not a greasy piece of bacon that it is good for us. The food pyriamid = load of crap. Low Fat Diet = Unhealthy. We are lied to over and over and bad food is often disguised as good. For instance, fat isn't bad for you. Healthy fats, like those in olive oil or avacados are essential for our brains and hearts. The low fat yogurt or sour cream your're eating, is worse for you. Why? Because they take out the good milk fat and therefore remove much of the flavor. So what do they add to enhance flavor so you will eat it? Sugar.

The point is we need to educate ourselves on how God made our bodies and what we really should be eating. Take the time to do it, take the time to plan meals and eat at home. When you cook your own meals you can control every ingredient.

When you are ready to change the way you eat it's all about baby steps. My suggestion: maybe start with some actual, real live blueberries.


  1. i heart actual, real live blueberries :)

    also, fun story...if you enter "drama judy" into google, your blog is the first thing that comes up! i found it's a great shortcut to getting here...oddly enough, googling "the secret life of b" doesn't bring it up.... ;D

    thank your brother for that! love you!! :D

  2. I'll just promise right now that your last meal shall include 4 layer delight.


  3. That was a dramatic video with a lot of bad stock art, but chalk-full of good advice. Don't feed your family processed food. It's expensive and barely food. Thanks for the heads up B
